Saturday, February 10, 2007

New Addition?

It's really too early to know for sure, but I have a feeling I might be pregnant. If I am, it's only by days, I'm not even late yet, but I feel like I could be. I felt really nauseous a couple of times today and I've had some belly pain that isn't quite like typical cramping (I generally don't cramp much, if at all). Hubby doesn't know yet. He asked when I said I wasn't feeling all that great if I was pregnant, but I don't think he was thinking of it as an actual possibility. I've been using contraceptive inserts, and I didn't this past week. We'll see, I'm a bit torn. I want to be pregnant, but I have so many reasons to be nervous about it, that I'm a little scared. I'll know more in the next few days.


Talk with the Boss

So it seems I have underestimated Ms. Coworker from hades. My boss called me in to his office for a talk. It was actually really good, I was able to tell him what was going on from my side, and he seemed to really understand. He had a lot of really good insight. He told me that he expects us to do whatever it takes to work things out next week while he's halfway across the country doing depositions. He talked to me first because I told him I was going to try to leave early (it didn't happen). He said he was going to have the exact same talk with her. He seems to think that we have the potential to make a terrific team and to learn a great deal from each other, if only we can find some common ground. I agree with him. I've been thinking the same thing for a long time, I just didn't know how to go about confronting the issue. Now I know that the how isn't important. I'm a little nervous about Monday, but also really looking forward to clearing the air. Stay tuned to find out what happens.


Thursday, February 8, 2007

Criticism, Gossip and Life Lessons

I have a coworker who is hyper-critical. I can't possibly do anything right. My first week in the office, we spent a lot of time together because I was to take over her job so she could move to another position and she was training me. The second week, she mostly ignored me. I just thought it was because she had a lot of catching up to do, she'd been doing the work of two people for about a month. My third week, the griping set in. Over the next few weeks, we got into several arguments because I don't do things exactly the way she thinks I should. Eventually, she stopped speaking to me. Our boss really believes in communication and that we should each know what the other is doing. About a month and a half after I started, I realized we weren't communicating very well at all, so I started keeping a log of what I do and emailing it to her at the end of the day. Her response: none unless I made a mistake. It got so frustrating that I sent several really sarcastic emails the other day. Not good, but despite hubby's concern that they might get me fired, I really doubt my boss will ever know of them. If she said anything about them, she would have to admit that she is blatantly ignoring me.

Recently, I started talking with the receptionist and learned that the attitude is very typical of my coworker. I know, I shouldn't talk about people behind their back. On the other hand, it really helps to know that I'm not a special target. The more I think about the situation, the more I've learned that criticism, particularly the way it is delivered, says more about the critic than the target. Wow. It's not about me, it's about her. Does this mean I'm automatically immune and will never again be bothered by this person? Not at all. But it does give me something to focus on other than how I'm going to get anything positive out of her. And that makes a big difference.

I read a post from the World Wanting Peace blog about allowing someone else to rent space in one's head for free. That's exactly what I've been doing for my coworker for the past three months. It's time for an eviction.

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Sunday, February 4, 2007

So, now what?

The cats and the hubby are all sleeping and I’m here wanting to write a blog post, but I’m not sure where to start. I have some ideas what I want to write about, but I’m not sure where to start. I’m looking at a couple of self-improvement things that have caught my interest. I think I want to write about those, among other things. I started on the Year to Success, but I haven’t stuck with it. I plan to start over, and write about each day as I do it. I’ve been signed up for a while, so I’m behind, which means I can ignore the Review and Reflect weekends, though I may go ahead an observe a couple of those a month. I’m also trying to get myself to follow Simpleology 101. I know that I accomplish a whole lot more when I plan my time, I’m just not very good at sitting down to do it. If you go to the site and sign up, they’ll try to sell you the 102 and 103 versions. I don’t have them, and don’t plan to spend the money, so I can’t say whether they’re worth it. I intend to start again with both of these and writing about what I learn. I hope you find my ramblings helpful, or at least mildly entertaining enough to keep reading.

For the record, I am not an affiliate of any program. If I suggest something, it is because I think it is worth your time to take a look at. I don't make a dime from recommending any site or resource. I will have ads on my page (hey, can't pass up the opportunity to make a little spare change) click on them or don't, makes no difference to me. On the other hand, I hope to eventually offer items for sale, sort of a virtual yard sale/craft sale, but I'm going to hold off for now. You aren't going to be the least bit interested in buying from me until you get to know me a bit.

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