Carpe Noctem
Me. My life. My family. My work. My dreams. My thoughts. Seize the night.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Friday, April 6, 2007
I'm pissed
My hubby called me around lunchtime yesterday to inform me he was walking off of his job. He's a delivery driver, and he took a full van back to the warehouse, locked it up and left it there. There wasn't anyone there and he didn't stick around. Not that I blame him, really, they were really taking advantage of him. Still, his timing couldn't have been worse. We are finally getting all bills caught up, just in time for my paycheck to take a $250 hit (insurance premiums). He is going to have to find another job and quick, and/or I'm going to have to do something. I was thinking of a series of blogs about my various interests. I've hardly got this one off the ground, but it's time to get it together. Perhaps I can get a jumpstart by selling off some of the stuff that I have laying around that I've been meaning to get on an auction.Prayers, encouragement and helpful advice are all welcome.
I had my children broken on Tuesday
Okay, so my children are of the feline variety, and most people would say that I had them "fixed" not broken. A few years ago I heard a friend say that, if you take something that is intended work in a certain manner, and do something to cause it to no longer work in that manner, you've broken it, not fixed it. Still, it had to be done. They're doing well, though. Devon has been sleeping a lot. He's sleeping on my desk right now. Tyler isn't as eager to help hubby make coffee, but I think he's working his way back to his old routines.Poor little guys had a traumatizing day all the way around. They were denied food and water all night (per instructions), locked in a crate together (a big one, they weren't cramped), taken on a long car ride (about 15 minutes) in a noisy car (my muffler's busted), major surgery, long car ride back home, and then left in the crate all afternoon (again, per instruction). I felt bad for them, but it really did need to be done.